Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Unrest in Syria

The Unrest In Syria The Facts: In Syria, a country in the Middle East, President Bashar Al Assads regime is pickings the lives of thousands. This regime has been in action since the year 2000, however the civilians ask only begun protesting since the 26th of January 2012. The root of the problem is based on many things, among them ethnicity, lack of freedoms and rights, torture, corruption and the lack of democratic map (Brown 11) This is a problem because the Syrian Government violates many of the civilians rights (almost all, with quotation mark to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). As far as religious/ethnic discrimination goes, there is discrimination in the midst of the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam. Bashar is a member of the Alawite sect of Islam, which is a minority. The Alawites in Syria overhear about 12 % of the 23 million Syrians in the country, darn of land the Sunni (another sect of Islam) occupies about 75% of the Syrian population. The Sunnis ar discriminated against in the armies while the Alawites hold a predominant military position in the military (The Immigrant and Refugee Board of Canada. Syria: Treatment of Sunni Muslims in the Military. Monday, twenty-ninth October 2012). thither have also been accounts of attacks on Sunni villagers by Alawite militias (Mackey, Robert. Syrias command Alawite Sect. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The Lede. June 14th 2011) As a result, the Sunnis of Syria felt reduce and uncomfortable in their own country. Moreover, the major spark that started the orbit of protests in Syria was in the southern city of Deraa in marching music when locals sel f-collected to demand the release of 14 scho! ol children who were arrested and reportedly anguished after writing on a wall the long-familiar slogan of the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt: The people call for the decline of the regime. (Guide: Syria Crisis. BBC. 9th April 2012) An additional reason the civilians have only started to express up now versus years prior, is because they have seen the effects of Arab Spring. Arab...If you extremity to suck a full essay, order it on our website:

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